Saturday, July 2, 2011


The Amarula tree produces a round yellow fruit. When the fruit hits the ground the sugars can ferment in the african sun. Sometimes when the fruit is very plentiful,  when the fruit falls in huge quantities at a rate faster than the animals can eat it, the bush can turn into a bar full of drunken saliors on a three day shore pass. I have seen videos with baboons and elephants flat out smashed. It was a riot. On our trip to Kruger we drove by the plant where they bottle the sweet rich liquor made from the fruit.  My wife loves this stuff and I am pretty fond of it too. It tastes sort of  like Kahlua with a hint of strawberry. We drank at least two bottles during our stay at Frikkie's ranch. The reason I bring this up is because of the strange creature called the Roan. It is a large hearty antelope with a masked face, short horns that curve back, a thick neck, and goofy looking tuffed ears. Frikkie and I think that the Amarula tree is to blame for the creation of the Roan. The way we see it, a female eland and male gemsbok got smashed on fermented amarula fruit. In their drunken stooper they got a little frisky and thus the Roan was born.
A lone Roan
The gangs all here

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