Friday, June 17, 2011


As you drive from Jo-burg to Kruger Park you go through some stunning mountain vistas. When I think of Africa, lush green mountains with clear flowing streams are not exactly what comes to mind. But they do exist with specatular splendor.  As we drove along, I could not stop thinking about how nice the mountain streams and rivers looked.  I could see deep dark pools and fast riffles. I just kept wondering to myself if they held fish. The water looked perfect and the fisherman in me was very curious. Image my excitement when Frikkie told me that these deep cold rivers were teaming with trout. Yes...I said TROUT! As soon as that discovery was made, I flagged a mental note to bring my fly rod with me for a couple days of fishing on our next safari. FYI: They even have an ORVIS shop. The same waters that hold trout show their power further down stream at a place called The Potholes. The views here just brings out the photographer inside you. From the parking lot you make your way down a well kept path to an arched bridge that spans the steep walls cut into the African rock by the river far below. A casscading waterfall awaits you on the other side of the bridge. As you make your way down river, you can see the awesome power of running water and mother nature at work. The rocks have been carved into strange circular shapes by mighty ancient whirlpools. The well worn rock faces show soft orange, brown, tan, and cream colors. Enough of me trying to explain it. I will let the pictures do the talking for me...

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