Monday, July 4, 2011


The pool above looks calm and tranquil. It seems like a refreshing  place to take a swim and escape the hot African sun. Just under the surface of this water and almost all water in Kruger Park hides two killers...the  hippoptamus and the crocodile. Water means life in Africa. In rural areas many people live on or near the water. The waterways of Africa provide people with food and a means of travel.  Hippo kill more people in Africa than any other animal. A bull hippo has a giant mouth armed with huge long tusks. He is very aggressive and will defend his territory and his females against all who enter it. Hippos spend the day in water and feed at night on land. More than one fisherman has met a tragic end just by being at the wrong place at the wrong time in the early morning when a hippo was making his way back to the river. Being between a hippo and water is never a good thing. You are in his way and he is not about to turn back or go around.
The croc hides just under the water's surface and waits. When an unfortunate animal or person comes to the water's edge to drink the croc strikes. He will grab his prey and pull it to deeper water where he can drown it.  As we watched the seemingly calm pool above for a short time, both crocs and hippos were seen. If you want to stay alive in Africa the rule of thumb is DON'T GO IN THE WATER! Heck, don't even go near the water!
Look out little birdie!
The beach is now closed.

Look who just popped up

Trouble cruising

Bull with scars on his back from fighting.




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