Monday, July 11, 2011


At the small parking area behind our chalet at Crocodile Bridge in Kruger Park was a sign reading "WARNING, Please beware of falling sausage fruit." We started to chuckle as that is just something you don't see every day. Frikkie said to be careful because getting cracked on top of the head with heavy rockhard sausage fruit falling out of the trees above could really hurt you. As soon as I stepped around the front of the chalet I could see what he meant. There beside our chalet hung dozens of what looked like fuzzy salami sticks. Not long after we settled in, I was outside talking with Xanthe when I heard a loud thud. It reminded me of the time I was fox hunting at night with my friend Dave. We turned on the call and a medium sized bear jumped out of the huge oak tree we were sitting under. The sound was like a bowling ball falling out of the sky. This time the thud had come from a sausage fruit crashing to the ground. Little Frikkie and I decided to try and open one. After some considerable effort we finally broke it in half. I would say it looked sort of like a zucchini packed full of fiberous strings.   

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