Monday, May 30, 2011


On this morning we took a break from hunting to travel to a neighboring school for FJ's rugby game. He is good and a very fast player as well as the team's kicker. Frikkie is the coach and I had only ever seen one  rugby game before. It was back in the states with a club team called the Clearfield Wolfpack,  so I was excited to take some pictures and just have some fun. Rugby is to Africa what football is to America...THEY ARE INTO IT! We got to meet the kids and most of their parents. We just tried to take everything in. Everyone we met was very warm and welcoming. I had to chuckle when I  heard one parent say "Get over there and talk to the Americans. You need to practice your English." The kids wanted to see the pictures of all of  the animals we had seen so far in the view finder of the camera. I flipped threw them and answered a ton of questions. I did learn rugby is a very fun and violent game. We had great time. Little Frikkie's team crushed them 61-0. Almost forgot to mention, they play barefoot...OUCH!

Yes coach

Hulking out
The kick is good
FJ on the move
The scrum

Why is my voice getting higher?

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