Thursday, June 16, 2011


To charge or not to charge?
I have heard that the Cape Buffalo kills more professional hunters and trophy hunters than any other animal in Africa each year. Many a PH (professional hunter) has been forced to face down a wounded buffalo in a deadly showdown. The hunter has but one shot during a charge. He must either shoot the buff just below the boss between the eyes at very close range or come face to face with two thousand pounds of fury trying to hook him with massive horns and then stomp him into the ground. Black Death has a nasty reputation when wounded of running into the heaviest, nasty cover he can find and then waiting, so he can charge and settle the score. They have also been known to double back on their own trail and wait until the hunters get very close then explode from the bush at the side of the trail with only one thing on his mind...killing! I have seen a video from Kruger Park where a pride of young lions attacked a buffalo calf. The herd bull blew into the pride and started hooking lions and tossing them like rag dolls to resuce the calf. Watching hunting and nature shows made seeing a cape buffalo another item on my bucket list. The first time I saw a buffalo the size of the animal and the muscle mass was shocking. Don't let the stupid cow feeding look fool you. A buff has a bad temper and can turn on you at any moment. When he puts his head back and snorts then looks into your eyes you see no fear, only a grumpy old fellow, full of hate for the world. He is really just deciding if he is going to charge or not. It is no wonder so many hunters find cape buffalo to be one of the most exciting hunts there is. Maybe some day....if I hit the lottery?

What are you looking at?
Big Buff

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