Sunday, June 19, 2011


When driving in the Kruger Park you are not permitted out of the car and for good reason. There are plenty of things that could kill you. Kruger is home to the Big Five-Elephant, Rhino, Cape Buffalo, Lion, & Leopard. Add in Hippo & Crocs and you have the Deadly Seven. Plus, we did see four puff adders in one day. More on that another time. Frikkie told us a story about a park guide taking some tourists on a night game spotting tour. The guide stepped behind the safari truck to take a bathroom break and a leopard killed him. He also told of a family of seven that fled the terrible enconomy of Mozambique. They crossed into the park hoping to make it to one of the main roads and get a ride into South Africa to look for a better life. Only the father and a three year old made it. The father said lions had eaten the other five people. Back to the story at hand. After so much driving any time we came across one of the places in the park you could get out and stretch your legs, it was always a welcome stop. The Kruger Elephant Museum was a very cool place. Outside stands a life-size bull elephant sculpture. Inside they have the skulls and tusks of the seven largest tuskers ever to call Kruger home and many other very interesting and informative displays. Beside the museum is a cafe with a fantastic view of a river. What a great place to grab a cool drink and relax before hitting the road again. On this day a bull elephant was cooling off in the river in the mid-day heat.
Di, FJ, & Frikkie
Xanthe...what's up?

Cooling off

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