Wednesday, June 1, 2011


In the bush everything either has thorns or some other way of scratching or poking at you. My legs show the minor cuts and scratches from several days of hunting wearing shorts in the bush. The rains this year in South Africa were heavier and lasted longer than usual. The ample rains have made the grass in the bush tall and lush. Great news for the game as there would be plenty of food during the upcoming cool dry season. Tall grass may be great for the game but not so much for the hunters. The grass makes everything a little more challenging. It is a little harder to see game in the heavy cover and the darn seeds seem to have a way of working into you socks and then keep poking at you like little needles.  In the photos below you can see that even larger animals like buffalo, rhino, and the majestic sable are hard to see in tall grasses. Note to self...Next time bring a pair of boot gators!

Cape Buffalo
4,000 lbs. Rhino

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