Friday, June 24, 2011


Lady luck was on our side when in came to cats in Africa. One night when out spotting for game we saw a Serval. A shy and sly  small cat with a spotted coat very similar to that of a leopard. We hadn't went more than a hundred yards and we saw a second Serval hiding in the tall grass. He stepped into an old vehicle track where the grass was shorter when I finally got to see the entire cat. WOW...such a beautiful animal in such a big and dangerous place. Finding lions was not a problem either.  Every time we would get near a stream bottom with larger trees Frikkie would say, "Keep your eyes open for a leopard in trees." We were looking for leopard in the lower branches of larger trees. Leopard take their kills to the trees to avoid having their hard earned meals stolen by hyena and lion. They spend most of the day just relaxing in the tree tops and come down at dusk to hunt. We talked to several people that had been to Kruger more than once and still had not seen a leopard. On our first evening in the park it happened. We were making our way to Satara Camp when we drove by another lush green riverbed. I was scanning the trees on my side of the vehicle for spots in the trees. When Di shouted "LEOPARD!" I turned my head to see out the other side of the car and there it stood in a "Y" of tree just less than 50 yards away. A fantastic huge male leopard. I think he was using the tree for a better view of the surrounding plains to spot a possible meal. As he made his way to the ground, you could see that a leopard is a very muscular cat built for power and strength. One morning the ladies decided to sleep in so it was just me, Frikkie, FJ, and Xanthe. What a morning it turned out to be. As we made our way on a lonely winding road through Kruger, Frikkie pointed to the trees in river bottom ahead. There on a thick branch was another fantastic male leopard sound asleep. We drove closer to get some better pictures which was very difficult in the early morning light. He stirred a little, gave us quick look, and went back to his nap. Not one but two leopard sightings on one safari. As I said before....Lady Luck was on our side when it came to the big cats. The only cat we did not see was a cheetah. No big shock with all of the high grass from the heavier than normal rains making a cheetah sighting next to impossible.

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